I've totally forgotten about this blog. Managing 1 blog is a handful let alone 2. Howver, I will not delete this blog coz it contains some posts which are not in my main blog.
To update:
Tengku Iman Aydin was safely born on 29.09.2009 after NINE DAYS overdue. I was induced as the obgyn was was worried that he might get old in my tummy and that may lead to complications later.
You can read all about the labour and the birth here
He is dominating my blog for obvious reason being the newest addition to my life and everything about my Budak Bulat are here
So people, do come and visit me at http://my-imans.blogspot.com/. you are most welcome even if you are only passing through
To update:
Tengku Iman Aydin was safely born on 29.09.2009 after NINE DAYS overdue. I was induced as the obgyn was was worried that he might get old in my tummy and that may lead to complications later.
You can read all about the labour and the birth here
He is dominating my blog for obvious reason being the newest addition to my life and everything about my Budak Bulat are here
So people, do come and visit me at http://my-imans.blogspot.com/. you are most welcome even if you are only passing through