Booked appointment at HUKM specialist centre to see Prof Zainul. He delivered Aydin 4 years ++ ago and I liked him then. Decided to go with him again for this baby.
What a wait! The appointment is on first come first serve basis. The clinic opens at 2pm (supposedly). When I registered it was 1.30pm and I was no 13 on the list. And the waiting game begins...
punya tunggu
punya tunggu
punya tunggu...
We were called in at 7.45pm (finally!).
He took the normal pregnancy history, when was my last period, what week I'm at right now, have I had titanus jap etc. Told him briefly what happened the last prenatal check up i.e. impaired MGTT test, borderline result for BSP test. My urine was clean and no traces of fungus. Based on my pregnancy weight and the BSP result he said he was not too worried. I just need to control my sugar intake.
Proceeded to do the scanning. Result: baby is in good condition. Growing healthily albeit a bit big (normal weight of baby at 28 weeks is about 1kg but my baby was at 1.33kg. Slightly big). Amniotic fluid is at the normal level, not too full and not too little. Baby is healthy. Its a boy (surprise! surprise!). No cleft palate, nothing seems to be out of ordinary.
Had my titanus jap. Ouchhh! and had to go back to the hospital for another blood test for god knows what.
It was a fruitful check up as I gained new knowledge today (despite the very loooooooong wait)
(i) when the weight of subsequent babies grows heavier it means there is a good spacing between babies. This means the mom's body has sufficiently recovered for the next pregnancy. Adlan weight at 2.92kg when he was born. After a gap of 2.4 years Aliya was born at 3.26kg. A gap of 3.7 years later and Aydin was born at 3.68kg. Now at 4.7 years gap... we shall wait and see :-)
(ii) If a pregnant mom frequently wakes up at nite to go to the loo, it means there is a tendency of the mom having gestational diabetes. This is because the baby accumulates fat due to the excess of sugar and the only way to get rid of the sugar is through its amniotic fluid. So the piss you piss at night moms are actually amniotic fluids from the baby. I thought I was not normal for the infrequent waking up to go to the loo. I seldom do even if I drank a lot before sleep. Thank god its a good sign rather than the opposite.
(iii) excessive amniotic fluid could also indicate gestational diabetes for reasons above.
(iv) moms with gestational diabetes would normally contract urinary tract infection because fungus loves the excess of sugar.... ooo... baru ku tau...
(v) titanus jap is taken for every pregnancy as a top up to the body. First pregnancy its 2 japs. 2nd pregnancy a top up of 1 jap. The 3rd will entitled you to another 2 japs... and so on and so forth. I can only say one thing... ouchhh!!