Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 10

10 weeks already!

Although to be honest I don't feel pregnant. Its as if life is like normal except for my rounder stomach. Thank god my weight is stagnant after the dramatic increase of 5kg in the earlier weeks. But that too thanks to me trying to control my food intake. It also helps that all healthy food looks yummy to me now. Fruits, oats, milk, nuts are my get going fuel now. And I try to avoid sugary, sweetened drinks, oily food, fast food, coz they just taste weird in my mouth. Good la kan...

I still try to exercise whenever I can. My walking pace has yet to drop down, which is good because brisk walking is a habit and the only cardio i get when my malas mode is on.  Even when I feel lethargic, I force myself to brisk walk. Its like my pick-me-up cure.

My mood to clean up has also increased. Last weekend was clean-the-store day sampai sakit2 pinggang mak but I'm satisfied. Next is to throw away all old broken furnitures and clothings to make way for new ones (yeay!). Then wallpapers, painting the stairs and doors and the porch (yippe!). So much to doooo.... 

Oh, and my new fav is browsing online for pretty clothes for myself (first purchase(s) today). Yup, this new mood of liking all things pretty and dainty is here to stay it seems.

And thinking seriously hard about when and where to do my ante natal check up. That will be in the next post #remindingself

Friday, May 20, 2016

Exercising While Pregnant


  • to feel better and gives energy boost
yeah, with all those morning afternoon mid day, evening, nite, midnite sickness, who has the energy to exercise and sweat? But actually it does helps with the lethagicness and we don't feel so exhausted. And it does helps you to sleep more easily.

  • to control weight gain
at least your weigth won't shoot up tremendously because when you exercise, all those extra calories you take can be compensated, (means you can eat more!)

  • to be healthy and fit
what else is there to explain aye?

  • to prepare the body for labour and birth
the fitter we are, the easier the labour and birthing process, at least during the final push.

  • to ease the weight loss process post pregnancy
less weight gain, less effort put in to lose that little weight, aight?


  • brisk walking
  • running (if you are used to running, otherwise, stick to brisk walking)
  • swimming (wonderful as you will feel weightless under water)
  • yoga / pilates
  • weight training (if you are used to, otherwise, get a trainer)
  • aerobic / dance (ante natal aerobic/dance classes could be an option)
  • pelvic floor exercises (a must to control incontinence ante and post natal)

Climbing, horse riding roller blading, skating, football, basketball, netball, hockey, any racket sports, or any exercises that involves balancing.


Beginner - start with 15 minutes 4 times a week of mild low impact exercises and gradually increase to at least 30 minutes 4 times a week.

Others - continue with routine but start with low impact exercises and gradually build up from there.

Concentrate more on toning, never forget to warm up and stretch. 

Careful not to overheat especially during 1st trimester.

No lying flat on your back from 2nd trimester onwards.

Drink lots of fluid, have sips of water during exercises

always do a cooling down stretches.

Slow down when you can no longer carry a normal conversation.

next post: suggested exercises to do


#messageuntukdirisendiri #selfreminder #selfmotivation #youcandoit #icandoit #wecandoit

Thursday, May 19, 2016

love comes unexpectedly

Yesterday I said I was still in denial.

Yesterday I said I was going to do a 2nd UPT just to be sure that I am pregnant.

Yesterday I only cared a little.

Yesterday I didn't bother or worried when i feel some minor stomach cramps.

But yesterday was also the day I was hit. 

Took the UPT test again. The two lines were even more visible than the 1st test. And I pushed myself out of denial. No more denying that I am carrying another life inside of me. And I started browsing for baby stuff (gave em all away already, so we really have to buy new things), mom's stuff (coz I gave all away and I am expanding like nobody's business).

And suddenly it hit me. It hit me hard. 

I do care that I am pregnant.

I do care that I am carrying a child inside me.

I do care about this child no matter how small adik is at the moment. 

I worry hoping that adik will survive life in my womb.

And I have been telling adik to hang on, be strong since because mommy is expecting to see you happy, healthy and alive in 7 months time.

And I have been taking it easy with my exercising routine, checking my temperature so that I don't overheat, remembering to take folic asid from now on, seriously counting calories to control my weight gain so that it won't affect adik now or later in life. 

And I am mighty proud of my round baby bump, and I couldn't care less if people know.

And I feel this overwhelming love growing inside of me. 


When love hits, it hits like a thunder...

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

How much should one gain and how much is the calorie intake if one is pregnant?

The amount of weight gained depends on what category the pre-pregnancy BMI lands in:
  • Underweight: BMI below 18.5
  • Normal weight: 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight: 25.0 to 29.9
  • Obese: 30.0 and above
The weight ranges below are for a full-term pregnancy: 
  • Underweight: 28 to 40 pounds (12.7kg - 18.1kg)
  • Normal: 25 to 35 pounds (11.3kg - 15.8kg)
  • Overweight: 15 to 25 pounds (6.8kg - 11.3kg)
  • Obese: 11 to 20 pounds (5kg - 9kg)
For twins, the recommendations naturally go up: 
  • Normal: 37 to 54 pounds (16.8kg - 24.5kg)
  • Overweight: 31 to 50 pounds (14kg - 22.7kg)
  • Obese: 25 to 42 pounds (11.3kg - 19kg)

Calorie Intake

In general, pregnant women need between 2,200 calories and 2,900 calories a day (My view: I think a safer range for asian would be between 1400 - 2000 calories). A gradual increase of calories as the baby grows is the best bet. Here is an overview of how calorie needs change during each trimester:

  • First trimester does not require any extra calories.
  • Second trimester an additional 340 calories a day are recommended.
  • Third trimester, the recommendation is 450 calories more a day than when not pregnant.

Physical Activity

Physical activity can help manage weight gain. The activity guidelines for pregnant women are 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most, if not all, days of the week. Make sure to talk with a doctor before starting or continuing any exercise routine.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Week 9

What's happening eyh?

Well, As of today:

I am 9 weeks pregnant.

Have yet to experience morning sickness (i hope I'm not jinxing this by writing this down!).

I have gained 5kg since I was pregnant.

Some rare occassion of lethargic-ness that comes as quicly as it goes.

Some aversion to some smelly smell.

Some dislikes towards certain food (anything chocolaty or cheesy are on the list... boo hoo hoo!).

My figure has slowly becomes distorted. Sporting a rounder tummy and fuller thighs. Hubbs just commented that my flabby underarms are back... boo hoo hoo!!!

Love to see and watch pretty dainty girly things.

Still went for my normal exercise class. A bit slow and tires easily. I try to avoid excessive vigorous moves and stayed within the beginner's moves only. Unsatisfying but got to remind myself that I can't exert myself too much. Not good for the baby...


And I am still in denial. In fact I just bought another UPT just to check.

Just in case. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

adding another number... again?

Ariz turned 2 last month. We have been calling him adik all these while. I have even gave away all baby clothing and items. ALL.

Ariz is meant to be the last. Anak bongsu. The end of the line. Penutup. Kilang is shutting down.

However, this month my period is already 11 days late according the period tracker apps. My nipples are sore but I attributed those pain to Ariz sucking too eagerly. My moods have been going ups and downs. Kejap macam naga, kejap merajuk, kejap nak sedih, kejap ok. But I attributed these yo-yo moods to PMS. Then yesterday night after work I started feeling lethargic. Penat yang tak terucap. Lemah longlai rasa badan. I attributed this tiredness to the long hours stuck in traffic jam on the way back to KL the previous day. 5 hours of jams to be specific. And some nausea which had me feeling wanting to eat to counter balance that nauseating feeling.

However, atas dasar gatal hati, I took a pregnancy test this morning. The test was bought last period cycle because I was also late then. But the day that I planned to take the test, my period made a show. Hence a spare pregnancy test lying around at home at 6am in the morning today.

Was praying for a 1 liner. Was really hoping for a 1 liner. And then 1 line showed. OK. Patiently waiting for the test to complete and... a vague line appeared.


Here we go again. Life begins at 40. Yup. A new life it seems. the pregnancy tracker (yup, the period tracker has now been converted) says I am 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant today.

Nak happy ke nak mengeluh ke nak disappointed ke, tak tau la... mixed.

Still hoping its a false positive.

but my lethargic-ness feels sooo real...

I just want to sleep...