Yesterday I said I was still in denial.
Yesterday I said I was going to do a 2nd UPT just to be sure that I am pregnant.
Yesterday I only cared a little.
Yesterday I didn't bother or worried when i feel some minor stomach cramps.
But yesterday was also the day I was hit.
Took the UPT test again. The two lines were even more visible than the 1st test. And I pushed myself out of denial. No more denying that I am carrying another life inside of me. And I started browsing for baby stuff (gave em all away already, so we really have to buy new things), mom's stuff (coz I gave all away and I am expanding like nobody's business).
And suddenly it hit me. It hit me hard.
I do care that I am pregnant.
I do care that I am carrying a child inside me.
I do care about this child no matter how small adik is at the moment.
I worry hoping that adik will survive life in my womb.
And I have been telling adik to hang on, be strong since because mommy is expecting to see you happy, healthy and alive in 7 months time.
And I have been taking it easy with my exercising routine, checking my temperature so that I don't overheat, remembering to take folic asid from now on, seriously counting calories to control my weight gain so that it won't affect adik now or later in life.
And I am mighty proud of my round baby bump, and I couldn't care less if people know.
And I feel this overwhelming love growing inside of me.
When love hits, it hits like a thunder...
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