Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Bye Bye Melancholic Me...

Am ok now. Life is beginning to return back to normality (laundry, chaos, shouts, mess, the usual stuff). I am also starting my fasting today. Yurp... while everyone else has done half of the ramadhan month. Thinking about the replacement fasting days that I have to do later makes me cringe. 

I gained 7kg the last 3 months and only managed to lose a miserable 2kg. Patience and time is not something that I am familiar with. I have been given the all clear by the good doctor and I take that as a sign to move on from this episode of my life. My PMS-sy moods has also returned to normal (a slow return but still a return, thank god for that!).

Tomorrow I'll be forty. Life begins at 40 they say. Starting life they say. Start anew they say. Whoever that may be remains a mystery.

But I am starting again, Slow pace, bit by bit, a journey that I need to take alone. I will be wherever I need to be eventually. For now, 

Life has been kind. For that I am forever grateful.

But I will never forget you baby. Don't you worry.

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