Wednesday, February 12, 2014

31 weeks and a puffy feet | Edema

sob sob...

I thought I could escape this curse of the puffy feet. Alas, it was just a wishful thinking. Since yesterday, my left foot swelled up and doesn't seem to want to reduce its swelling self. got me worried though. Its not painful but its uncomfortable. Normally puffy feet indicates that my body needs more fluid. I have been chugging plain water since yesterday that the bathroom is now my new best friend. I put up my feet in bed using the lean makcho (kata aydin) body of mr hubbs as the base and I try to make frequent short walks in the office today. Nope, the swelling is still there. It subsided for a while and comes back to say hi.

Those frequent trips to the loo is also making me worried too! The last visit to the gyne I was told that frequent visit to the loo especially at nite can indicate gestational diabetes. Since my glucouse reading was borderline and no control whatsoever over my glucouse intake since then it does make this big mommy a little worried.

Why do I worry so much about swelling feet? Coz somehow i'm worried about pre-eclampsia. I never had that in my previous pregnancies. Even the last check up my urine reading was clear and clean except for that pesky borderline glucouse level. Been reading about the symptoms online and basically

swelling feet during pregnancy means:

1. its normal especially in 3rd trimester

2. the tendency to get swelling feet is higher in warmer weather (yeah.. its boiling temperature nowadays!)

3. it could indicate insufficient water intake (so need to increase the intake loh)

4. you are on your feet a lot (standing, walking etc)

5. the body is tired (this I can vouch for)

BUT It is a cause for concern IF :

1. sudden extreme swelling on the face, hands and/or feet that leaves indentation mark when pressed.

2. the swelling is one one foot + pain = possible blood clot

3. swelling of feet + persistent headache + blurried vision / sensitive to light = could be pre eclampsia

4. swelling of feet + chest pain / difficult to breath = heart problem

If it is just swelling of the feet, what to do (if accompanied by other symptoms, please go check yourself k)?

1. elevate the feet (if possible). I placed a box underneath my workstation and just placed my feet on top.

2. drink more liquid

3. take brief walk if you sit for too long. Rest if you are on your feet all day.

4. you don't need to reduce your salt intake unless you take a heapful in which case you need to reduce your salt intake anyway swelling or no swelling.

5. avoid crossing your legs (since I love to cross both my legs (bersila) on my work chair, this is going to be a constant self reminder.

reading materials:

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