Thursday, May 15, 2014

Fakta Tentang Bayi Yg Kita Mungkin Tak Tau...

1. Bayi tiada kepala lutut. Ia tidak membentuk sehinggalah bayi berusia 6 bulan.

2. Bayi tiada air mata. Mereka menangis dan menjerit tetapi air mata sebenar tidak wujud sehinggalah bayi berusia 5 minggu.

3. Mereka mempunyai lebih tulang. Orang dewasa mempunyai 206 dan bayi pula 300 tulang. Kebanyakan dari tulang tersebut bercantum semasa bayi membesar.

4. Empat dari 10 bayi mempunyai tanda lahir.

5. Bayi mempunyai deria bau yang kuat. Boleh mengenali bau badan ibu sebaik dilahirkan.

6. Penglihatan bayi kabur sebaik sahaja dilahirkan.

7. Rambut bayi yang tumbuh semasa dalam rahim ibu akan gugur beransur ansur dan digantikan sepenuhnya oleh rambut baru apabila berusia 6 bulan.

8. Bayi baru lahir secara genetiknya mempunyai deria bunyi yang kuat. Boleh membezakan bunyi-buyian dan boleh mengenali suara ibu serta merta semasa dilahirkan

9. Deria rasa bayi masih tidak berbentuknya sepenuhnya semasa lahir. Tidak boleh membezakan rasa seperti manis atau masin dengan baik.

10. Jantung bayi baru lahir berdenyut diantara 120-160 degupan seminit berbanding dengan degupan jantung orang dewasa iaitu 60-80 seminit.

11. Bayi bernafas lebih cepat iaitu 30-50 nafas seminit berbanding dengan orang dewasa 16-20 nafas seminit.

12. Berat bayi bertambah 2 kali ganda dari berat semasa lahir pada usia 6 bulan.

13. Mendengarkan music klasikal menambah kepintaran bayi.

14. Bayi baru lahir tidur 15-20 jam sehari.

15. Bayi cuma mempunyai satu lapisan kulit sebab itulah ia akan alah dan kemerahan dengan senang kepada losyen wangi, sentuhan kasar, gigitan serangga dan sebagainya.

16. Bayi mempunyai kebolehan menyelam sebaik dilahirkan tetapi kebolehan tersebut akan hilang dengan cepatnya.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


He is 24 days today.

How time flies. I have been with him 24/7 for 9 months 7 days + 24 days today. I can just stare at him and do nothing all day except that he would demand to be fed, sleep, fed, sleep (repeat). I have been unable to do anything else since he was born except cuddle him, feed him, talk to him, sleep with him, cuddle, feed, talk, sleep (repeat).

What has been going on since the day he was born? I'm putting this down for keepsake coz I know I won't remember the details come 10 years down the road.

He was born on Monday 14.04.2014 at 7.55pm and weight at 4.04kg. Normal birth. Natural tear (a lot - OUCH!!). Epidural (but of course!)

We were discharged on the eve of the 2nd day with a clean bill of health.

He was sleeping most of the time for the 1st 2 days and on the 3rd day he started to cry all nite long and demand to be fed all day and nite long. I didn't get any sleep for 2 days straight (didn't get much sleep either actually until today. The most sleep I can get nowadays are 2 hours tops).

Started to have blocked ducts on the 3rd day and sore right nipple on the 4th days. and started to pump milk out in the freezer.

In short, it was a miserable painful 7 days. 

Tali pusat tanggal on the 7th day.

He was circumcised on the 10th day. It (the penis) healed the next day coz I accidentally let him grab his bloodied penis while trying to bath him and he was acting as if he did nothing wrong. So I assume the circumcision is no longer painful for him. It was completely healed on the 3rd day with no apparent trauma to him or his mother.

The 10th day was also his 2nd time in a car and his first in a shopping mall (alamanda). Didn't bring him for shopping after the circumcision. We were merely looking for a place to eat. I was not really looking forward to be going out and about because to tell you the truth, I was still feeling tired and long walks does put pressure on the lower half of my body. Besides, I just had my stitches taken out by the dr that day so it was not really a walk in the park for me either. 

His name was officially registered on the 15th day.

The 1st 14 days was erratic. He fed on demand and sleep when he was not either feeding or crying. It was tiring. On the 15th day he started to have some resemblance of a feeding schedule. It was a loose 2 hours feed so at least I get about 1-2 hours of sleep each day. As a result, I stopped pumping my milk because he was constantly with me feeding and 2 hours is a short time to stock up on my milk production i guess.

Nowadays, he likes to sleep on my arms. Tiring but I don't really mind. He sleeps longer during the day and shorter during the nite. He also has taken up space on our bed and refuse to sleep in his cot. He has decided that we will be co-sleeping. At least until I start working (hopefully, finger cross).


And me? Well. The only thing I can report is that my last weight before giving birth was 90kg. And after 24 days, I'm down to 73kg. OK lah... although a loooooooong way to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight of 59kg. I can't take any supplements to reduce weight because it reduces milk production as well (yup, I tried). And I have to eat carbo or my milk production will suffer (yup tried that too). So, having to eat carbo, not able to exercise (since he latches on to me like a leech almost 24/7 and also there is still some pain just above my pubic bone so I'm taking it easy as for now so that my inner whatever can heal properly. 

The 1st week was a torture. Having to endure blocked ducts, sore nipple, no sleep, tired, pain from the tear, internal pain if I move too much, hemerroid pains, difficulty moving my bowel... soooo many painful things to deal with all at the same time.

I'm still bleeding but not so much.Been out and about a few times already. Actually drove a few days ago. Cannot walk for long coz I do get tired easily. The pain is still there (all of em) but the pain is easing.

But know what? its all worth it when he stares into my eyes with his tiny hand splashed on my chest while he feeds. The feeling is indescribably.