Wednesday, August 26, 2009

False Abour vs True Labour and Early Signs

False Labor
i. Contractions don't get closer together.
ii. Contractions don't get stronger.
iii. Contractions tend to be felt only in the front.
iv. Contractions don't last longer.
v. Walking has no effect on the contractions.
vi. Cervix doesn't change with contractions.

True Labor
i. Contractions do get closer together.
ii. Contractions do get stronger.
iii. Contractions tend to be felt all over.
iv. Contractions do last longer.
v.Walking makes the contractions stronger.
vi. Cervix opens and thins with contractions.

our body normally gives us some signs a head of time that labor is on its way. While these are signs of progress the do not mean that you will go into labor within a few hours or days. They are simply a means of saying that your body is getting ready.

Some of these signs include:

1. A sudden burst of energy or the "nesting instinct"
2. Lightening or Dropping of the baby (you may be able to breathe easier and urinate more)
3. An upset stomach
4. Diarrhea
5. Bloody show (this may be the cervix beginning to open, or from sex or a vaginal exam)
6. Loss of your mucous plug (may come out in a chunk or you may just notice it slowly over a couple of days)
7. Weight loss
8. Slight increase in blood pressure

Perenial Massage to avoid episiotomy

If you wish to prepare your perineum for birth, we recommend that you start the perineal massage around your 36th week, every day for around 5 minutes.

What you need

You will need to use wheat germ oil or any natural vegetable oil, preferable cold pressed (not for cooking la) and rich in Vit E and F (essential to ensure and improve tissue elasticity). Linseed oil is a good choice.

There is an oil in the market specially made for this massage and manufacted by Weleda (refer to product link here - in French, unfortunately).

The massage

1) Wash your hands carefully with soap. Scrub under the nails and up till the wrists.

2) Sit yourself down somewhere and make sure that your back is supported with pillows. Lean back.

3) Rub your fingers well with oil; put the thumb in the vagina and massaged the region between the opening of the vagina and anus with the forefinger.

4) Then, with the thumb, still in the vagina, exert some pressure downward toward the rectum slowly.

5) While still exerting pressure, slide your thumb/finger along the vaginal walls, along muscles of the vagina and the perineum. Repeat this a few times.

6) You may feel muscle tension in the beginning, but with time and practice, the tissue will loosen gradually.

7) Be careful to relax your muscles and breath out when you exert pressure.

8) To end, massage the labia minora and majora as well (big and small "lips" - opening of the vagina la).

9) As you go on with the massage (after a few times), gradually increase the pressure (widening the vaginal opening) until you start to experience tingling in the perineum. You will recognize this tingling feeling at the time of labour when the perineum extends around the head of your newborn child.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Fasting while Pregnant??

Fasting month is fast approaching. I'm hoping that I'll be able to fast the whole 1 month. Its a privilege that comes only when I'm in advance stage of pregnancy (and that I can assure you is a rare occasion!)

Pregnant women are one of the exceptions to the rule of fasting in Ramadhan (provided it be replaced in another month)

But is it prohibited medically for women in advance stage of pregnancy like me?

Obviously not. But not all are encourage to fast for medical reasons:


so fasting is allowed provided that the correct method is employed with regard food intake


So my take on this:

Eat well, take my sahur, moderate intake, lots of fluid during the night, less movements and physical activities (including walking) and rest well...

Finger cross, hoping I can go through this Ramadhan smooth sailing. Amin

Sunday, August 16, 2009

34 weeks

As of the latest check-up on 13.08.09:

I'm now in my 34th week of pregnancy. Wow... not that long to wait eh?

I only gained a mere 0.5kg the past 1 month (yeayyyyy!)

Its a boy!!!


Just pack babies' things in a bag. Now I'm excited... :)

Can't wait... :)