Thursday, March 5, 2009

The tiny voice in my head is worried...

Last week was a challenging week for pregnant me. With Kakak admitted to the hospital, it was a double dosage of stress to my body what with the hormones wrecking havoc to my system. I am constantly tired as it is and caring for a sick child escalate the condition even more. There was one point where I was throwing up every hour at the hospital while Kakak was whailing in pain. It was very stressful to the body and mind.

The sight and smell of anything triggered my vomit frenzy. It doesn't help that Kakak was admitted for vomitting and dhirrea. By the time Kakak was discharged, I was flat out and my body seized to function properly.

We have both recovered. However, I'm a bit concerned coz the vomit frenzy sensation has mysteriously disappear. The nausea is still there. The choking feeling is there there but there is no more "running-to-the-toilet-to throw-up" episodes.

If this is it, then this vomit frenzy days would be the shortest among the three pregnancy. Lasted only a week? Doesn't sound right...

Also, I have not had my bump checked out yet. Have not decided when to start my monthly check up. The peculiar thing and this has me teeny weeny bit worried (other than the lack of throwing up - not that i particularly enjoy those sessions!) is that my bump has not grown as it did the previous 2 pregnancies. There's a definite bump alright but the bump is getting firmer and rounder but doesn't grow. And there's this on and off cramping sensation below the belly. Feelings I didn't have the last 2 pregnancies. My reading says its normal but the little voice inside my head is still worried.

Perhaps I should just go and get it check huh? Better be safe...

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