Saturday, June 20, 2009

It Was A Suprise All Right!

Had my ante-natal check up today. Boy, it was interesting...

Suprise No 1:
I did my week calculation properly according to my period cycle and according to my calculation I'm suppose to be 24 weeks pregnant this week (or 6 months if people ask. And people only ask because they are expecting me to give birth next month just by looking at the sheer growth I'm sporting nowadays. But I disgress). Had my monthly check up today and all in all, it was a suprise. A pleasant and amusing suprise.

For one, it seems that my calculation is a bit off - off by 2 weeks it seems. According to the scan, I'm at my 26 weeks pregnant. 2 more weeks and I will enter the 3rd trimester.

How time flies...

But I swear my calculations was as accurate as it can be following my not normal period cycle. Apparently not.

Hence, it was a'heran' suprise looking at the monitor screen of the scan seeing that I am actually more or less 26 weeks pregnant. I was busy doing mental calculation and matching calendars while the doctor was busy probing and pushing my humongous belly and calculating bone mass and growth, etc (or whatever it is that they do while probing and pushing around the big belly filled with a tiny human).

OK, so whatever, I'm happy at any week as long as my baby is healthy and fine.

And 'he' seems fine. Or so I think.

Suprise No 2:
You see, up until this stage, we have yet to know the baby's gender. Not by choice but because the baby was too active for us to get a proper view. Adlan and A'aliya is having their own preference as to what gender the baby should be. Abang wants a baby boy whilst Kakak wants a baby girl. Seeing that both our family are predominatly male dominated (I'm the only girl of 4 siblings and Hubbs is the eldest of 6 boys amongst 7 siblings), I was anticipating a boy. My pregnant behaviour was also more inclined towards the inhabitant of my belly being another addition to the male population in our family (although it was inconclusive because I was potraying both the classic signs of having a boy and a girl. For example, I was craving for both sweet and sour taste at different times. I was sloppy half the time but makes a lot of effort to look nice at other times. I was both lazy and rajin depending on my mood. And for both previous pregnancies, it was definite. With Adlan I was sloppy, lazy and crave sugary sweets. With A'aliya it was all dolling myself up, cooking, cleaning, and a taste for asam. This time around, I'm having contrasting behaviour. Like I said, it was inconclusive).

However, it doesn't make any difference to me or hubbs what gender the baby is sporting. A boy is expected but a girl (although not really thought possible) would be a pleasant suprise. I was hoping that we could see this time whether I'm carrying a 'he' or a 'she'. No specific reason, its just that we would rather know early. I hate not knowing.

And yes, we finally know. It was a totally pleasant suprise because I was expecting to see scrotum and penis on screen and yet we saw the hamburger sign as clear as the bell. Save to say, I'm still feeling the suprise... hmm... another A'aliya on the horizon? (should I say OH NO!!! .. ??).

But it was not really a happy news for 1 person in particular.

Suprise No 3:
When the doctor told us the verdict, we translated it for the kids. A'aliya was smiling but Adlan to our suprise, cried. The soundless disappointment cry. It was amusing to say the least but my heart went out to him. He was so eagerly waiting for a baby brother that he even had a name for the baby when we broke the news that I was pregnant. And now in his mind, he has to deal with another A'aliya.

What else can I say. We'll just have to make sure that the eagerness is retained regardless of him having another kid sister to handle. A long and short but frequent motivational sessions are in order.


All in all, today was a pleasant and amusing suprise. I'm happy. Now I can browse through all the beautiful names for us to choose. I can still keep my hopes that this time around I can doll up my baby and get her to wear pretty cute clothes (which A'aliya is avoiding like a plague).

But one news which didn't come as a suprise - my weight. The doctor is scheduling me to go for another blood test because I'm gaining more than 2 kg a month. I told her its normal for me, I gain a kilo a week until the baby pops out. That's old news. But hey, she would rather we be safe than sorry. Fine by me.

And another news that had me teeny weeny bit worry. The baby's placenta is low lying. Hopefully, it will be in the right position at the right time.

Hopefully everything will be ok and smooth sailing.


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