Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How It All Begin... for the Fourth Time...

Well, truth be told, I don't really want to expand my cozy little family. To me we are already at the perfect size. Also because serik wooo dengan Aydin that makes me feel like I have 3 mischievous twins to take care of at the same time.

However, despite saying "tak nak", we never took on any kind of precautions. I was on the pill before but after too frequent bleeding, I went for numerous checkups to see what was wrong and I discovered that I have polyps. Its only an extra piece of meat (?) hanging from my womb like stalactite but it feeds on estrogen from the pills that I took, hence it became active and bleed just like normal period walhal bukan darah period pun and it will grow since it is sufficiently fed. Therefore, I decided to stop the pill. Other alternatives were not that appealing for us. I refuse to go for implants or injections coz my weight would just shoot up like there is no tomorrow. IUD is simply scary. The rubber is just not attractive enuf for either of us. And withdrawal? what withdrawal? tee hee hee... so we just carried on happily tempting fate. 

Well, after 4 years of being tempted, Fate took the bait. #padanmukaaku.

How did I know? for the first time, there was not a single sign except for the rapid increase of weight. I have been taking a slimming product and half a year now and the only product that was successful to reduce and control my weight. I have been losing weight and no increase since the last half a year. so it came as a surprise that right after Hari Raya Puasa, I gain some weight. Then out of a sudden despite consuming the product, I gained more. I stopped thinking that probably my body need to take a break from the product for a week or so. But after the break, and while still consuming the product, i kept putting on weight. At the same time, just before the weight gain, I was having all the PMS symptoms but just as sudden, PMS passed but no period. However, since I have a long cycle of 45 days, I was still within the cycle. But it became even more suspicious because all other PMS symptoms stopped except the painful breasts. It was damn painful. Even the slightest touch was painful (imagine the frustration of a man named mr hubbs. hehe).

The weird thing is the normal pregnant symptoms that I would get for all my 3 pregnancies was not present. In all my 3 pregnancies, my skin would break out so bad that my face would be filled with small pimples and becomes too oily to manage. However, this time around, my skin condition remains but my eczema became better. I have a very bad case of eczema on the top of my right foot. Its always damp and bloodied and itchy as hell. But during that time, it became dry and flaky.

After nearly a month, bought myself a test kit despite not being late for my period yet. Took the test on 24 August 2013.

When I was carrying Aydin, it took me 3 test kits and nearly going on to 6 weeks pregnant for the lines to appear. This time around, the line appeared loud and clear. No ifs or buts.

How I felt about it? It was expected. I kinda guessed that I am pregnant so it doesn't came as a surprise to see the lines appearing. If the lines didn't appear, that would be a pleasant surprise.

So, here goes 4th round... lets see what other interesting and different experience I will be having this time.

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